Friday 6 July 2012

Pernicious Anaemia, my struggle

In 2009, I had taken myself to the doctors as I was gaining weight, feeling very run down and extremely fatigued, all the symptoms of an under active thyroid. I finally got diagnosed with Pernicious anaemia. Although nothing wrong with my liver, it has the inability to store B12.

The first few weeks I had what they called booster jabs, then every 10 weeks I have to have a top up, for the rest of my life. It took about 6 months for the fatigue to settle down, needless to say it made me feel very depressed, although this is also a symptom of B12 deficiency. Your body needs B-12 for nerve function, red blood cell formation, and the creation of substances such as DNA, hormones and proteins. 

In August 2011,  last year I decided I wanted to do something about the weight gain, so I took up walking. I was power walking about 15 miles a week. Then in October 2011 I signed up to do the London Moonwalk for Breast cancer research to keep me on track. This marathon walk wasn't until May 2012, so I had something to work towards, but instead of losing weight, I found myself gaining again, a stone! So another trip to the doctors, again they tested my thyroid, and again all clear. The doctors attributed my weight gain to the possibility that I may be peri-menopausal, certainly didn't feel peri-menopausal!

The more research I do on Pernicious Anaemia, the more I find out, yet find not many people suffer with weight gain, it's usually weight loss along with all the other symptoms. In America they give B12 jabs to help people lose weight as it's speeds up your metabolism.

I hate looking at my body image in the mirror, would love to see a fit and tone image.  I eat healthy, hard drink any alcohol, don't smoke, love all my vegetables and fruit. I tend to eat I high protein, low carb diet most of the time, avoiding bread as much as possible as it bloats me out. 

Bearing in mind my healthy diet, no weight loss is happening so I figured drastic measures needed to be put into place, so today, Thursday 5th July 2012, I went for my enrolment at my local gym, where I was talked through a core fitness programme and discussed nutrition with my trainer. I am going to keep a food diary for the week, so she can see if there are any areas that may need working on. I will keep posting back on my progress to let you know how I am doing.

Would love to have you comment if you a sufferer or any diet advice that worked for you. Thanks  for reading

Saturday 30 June 2012

Monday 23 April 2012

Week Forty Four


"Your prayers and positive expectations have been heard and answered. We've been working with you on this situation since its genesis, and we continue to watch over you and everyone involved. Stay on your present path, as it will take you very far indeed."

You drew this card as encouragement for the situation you're asking about. The angels reassure you of a positive outcome, provided you continue to pour love and guided action into the situation.
Additional meanings for this card: Don't hesitate; now is the right time
• You're on the right path
• The idea that you have is Divinely inspired
• The angels foresee a successful outcome

Monday 16 April 2012

Week Forty Three


"The deep blue sea speaks to your soul, healing and soothing you. Even the act of imagining yourself dipping into its healing womb brings about desirable effects. Better yet, spend time physically near the ocean. Allow its power and beauty to wash away all cares and concerns."

This card comes to you because of your connection with the ocean. It's a sign that you need to spend more time near the sea, perhaps during a vacation or as a home base. The angels will help with this endeavor if you ask and allow them to. The ocean air and water inspires and heals you.
Additional meanings for this card: Take sea salt baths to detoxify
• Drink more water
• Connect with dolphins and other sea-dwellers
• You have an ocean-related past life
• Learn a water sport such as diving, sailing, or snorkeling.

Monday 9 April 2012

Week Forty Two


"The burden of carting your past around has made you weary, Dear One. It's time to set this burden down. Keep only the lessons and the love, and leave everything else behind. You don't want it or need it, and it's now gone."

You received this card because your thoughts and feelings about the past are holding you back. You're repeating a pattern because of unfinished emotions from your past. This card is a sign to forgive and move on, to stop painful patterns. It doesn't mean that you need to be with the person you've forgiven. It simply means that you've let toxic feelings go in exchange for peace. Additional meanings for this card: Approach a new situation or relationship with positive expectations
• Avoid routines
• Speak to a counselor or support group
• Forgive those who've hurt you
• Forgive yourself
• The worst is now behind you
• Keep your thoughts about this situation high and bright.

Monday 2 April 2012

Week Forty One


"Self-employment suits your disposition and intentions. Working for yourself allows you to better follow your intuition and Divine guidance. We are your co-workers and teammates, who remain loyally by your side to ensure your success in all ways."

This card comes to you because you're well suited to self-employment. You have the ideas, the drive, and the self-discipline required for entrepreneurial work. Yet, self-doubts make you hesitate. The angels reassure you that you have what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur. They will guide and support you along the way, and as long as you follow through on this action, your success is assured.
Additional meanings for this card: Your ideas for a business are sound
• Ease out of your present job by moonlighting with your desired business idea
• Take action as you're guided with respect to your career
• Fully commit to succeeding in your new business.

Monday 26 March 2012

Week Forty


"This situation brings you the opportunity to heal, grow, and release negative patterns. Hold the intention of seeing the other person's inner Divine light and goodness. We will help you release unforgiving thoughts, feelings, and energies, and lift you to a higher place of peace and compassion."

The angels sent you this card because they see that you've grown weary of a recurring negative pattern in your life. To break this cycle, it's important for you to release old toxic thoughts about the current situation and relationship. You can do this by breathing deeply, and on each exhalation, giving your fears, worries, anger, and other painful emotions to the angels. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you are condoning the other person's behavior. It just means that you're unwilling to carry toxic feelings and thoughts about him or her. Release, be free, and experience positive patterns through forgiveness.
Additional meanings for this card: Avoiding blaming yourself or others
• As you release anger, a creative resolution to this situation will appear
• There are hidden blessings in this relationship and situation
• Focus upon desires instead of fears or judgments.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

A Sense of Achievement

Dream, Believe, Achieve
Isn't great when you have those random moments of sense of achievement that you are making a difference. In life there are so many negative things that we can hold onto, that can often hold us back. It's easier to think about the negative things rather than the positive. If we continue to think about things which we cannot change instead of thinking about the things that we can, we will ever feel a sense of achievement in life, that we have made a difference. When was the last time you did something for the first time? When was the last time you think you achieved something? Sit down and write a list of your own achievements, look at how well you have handled past situations and how strong you really are. I believe by surrounding yourself with positive people who inspire you and motivate you all help in keeping your mind positive and focused in the directions that you want to go.
This week, I had three of my articles published on a Global health Portal website. The over whelming sense of achievement for me was fantastic, to know that all my hard work of the last few years is beginning to pay off and I am beginning to reap the rewards finally. Many thanks to Sharon of Global Healing Exchange, who approached me to ask if she could publish my articles.
They can be found here:

What is Reiki?
Holistic Body Massage

Monday 19 March 2012

Week Thirty Nine


"Quiet your mind, Beloved One, and listen to our gentle reassurance that everything has been taken care of. Stay in a quiet and receptive state, without worrying about the exact nature of your desire's manifestation. A quiet mind and body hears us quickly and clearly. This is our request to you: Listen."

You received this card because the angels wish to get their messages through to you. They ask that you talk less and listen more. (When we're stressed, we tend to chatter out of nervousness.) Give your worries to the angels, and trust that they've heard your prayers. If it seems they're not answering your prayers, it's probably because you're not listening to their answers. So, retreat to a quiet place with the intention of listening to your angels. Then close your eyes, breathe deeply . . . and listen.
Additional meanings for this card: Avoid noisy environments
• You've been hearing your angels correctly
• Turn off the television or radio
• Your hearing is becoming more sensitive because you've been tuning in to the angels
• Clear your ear chakras by visualizing light clearing the area above each eyebrow.

Monday 12 March 2012

Week Thirty Eight


"Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony. At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies."

The angels gave you this card as a reminder that the Law of Attraction can help you improve the situation you're inquiring about. Complaints and worry only attract more of the same, so elevate your thoughts (with the help of the angels) to attract what you desire. Several times a day, imagine that the situation was presently healed and perfectly manifested. Feel gratitude that it is already so in Spirit, which is the first part of attracting the material aspects of the situation. Additional meanings for this card: Think about your desires, and avoid worrying or complaining
• Rise up to the level of the type of person you wish to attract
• As your spiritual energy increases, you'll find yourself less attracted to lower energies in relationships and situations. This is normal, and the angels can help you deal with these endings and beginnings.

Monday 5 March 2012

Week Thirty Seven


"Moving forward does not necessarily require you to have confidence in yourself. Confidence in God is enough, along with knowing that God works through you and with you in all ways. Lean upon us if your confidence wavers, and we will buoy your courage and faith."

This card is a message from your angels saying, "You can do it!" Trust that you have all the ingredients it takes to complete the mission that's before you. Although you may not completely understand how you'll fulfill this task, have faith that you'll be continually guided. The more you can depersonalize this mission and know that it's not about you, the better. Don't listen to the voice that asks, "Who, me?" You are utterly worthy, since you're a perfect daughter or son of the Creator, and the angels surround you every step of the way.
Additional meanings for this card: Stay in the moment and focus on one step at a time
• Give all worries or concerns to God and the angels
• Ask the angels to increase your faith
• Trust that God's love and wisdom are working through you.

Monday 27 February 2012

Week Thirty Six


"Look past the seeming errors, mistakes, and misunderstandings, and see only the love within each person (including yourself). Your resolute focus upon the love that underlies every situation brings about healing in undreamed-of ways."

The angels gave you this card as a reminder to see yourself, others, and every situation through their eyes. When you focus on love, anything that's unloving falls away. It's like turning a light to diminish the previous darkness. Call upon angels whenever you need help to elevate your vision to a more loving vantage point.
Additional meanings for this card: Look past the personalities and egos of others, and see the angel within them (the angels can help you with this if it seems difficult)
* Forgive
* Release anger, hurt, or judgments to the angels
* Affirm what you desire, instead of what you fear."

Monday 20 February 2012

Week Thirty Five


"Love is the heart of the matter. Your heart is the center within your physical being attuned most to love. It's safe for you to love and be loved with an open heart, as we stand by with perfect protection and guidance."

The angels gave you this card because the answer to your question rests within your heart. The more that you open your heart, the more love, joy, and peace you'll feel. You can open your heart chakra by asking the angels to send their healing energy, by visualizing your heart surrounded by pink light, by inhaling the fragrance of pink roses, by holding or wearing rose quartz crystal, and by focusing on love.
Additional meanings for this card: Send light and love to your heart chakra
• Take very good care of your cardiovascular health through exercise and healthy eating
• A departed loved one who passed-on from a heart condition is saying "Hello, I love you."
• Have a heart-to-heart discussion.

Monday 13 February 2012

Week Thirty Four


"Beloved One, everyone is guiltless in truth, as no one can alter God's handiwork of prefection. Give us your feelings of heaviness so we can lighten your load. Give us any guilt, anger, or blame that may shroud your loving oputlook. Enjoy the peace within your heart once more."

This card comes as reassurance that this situation and the people involved are guiltless. If you've been harboring guilt, release it to the angels. Of all the emotions, guilt has the lowest vibrations, so it attracts negativity. If you're judging others' guilt, this card reminds you to see the Godliness within them to heal the situation (you don't necessarily have to continue a relationship with anyone you distrust; however, it's necessary to purge toxic thoughts and emotions for your own well-being). The angels ask you to consider that any misunderstandings were an innocent mistake.
Additional meanings for this card: See the other's point of view
• Forgive yourself and release regrets
• An argument you have may be based on a misunderstanding
• Honor the inner child within yourself and others
• Look past surface illusions, and see the underlying spiritual truth of perfection and Divine order.

Monday 6 February 2012

Week Thirty Three


"With great love and respect, we ask you to detoxify your precious and sensitive body. At your request, we'll help you to develop life-affirming ways to deal with stress, as well as ease any sorrow at shedding your old ways. Give your cares, worries, and concerns to us, and feel the beautiful grace of your newly purified body."

This card signifies the angels' recommendation that you eliminate chemicals and toxins from your body. Your sensitivity to drugs, food additives (including sugar), alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine has increased. These substances are interfering with your ability to hear your angels, so they ask you to avoid them. The angels will gladly help you with stress or cravings, if you will ask.
Additional meanings for this card: Use herbal means to cleanse, such as wheat grass juice or psyllium seeds
• Consult a holistic nutritionist
• Call upon Archangel Raphael to reduce or eliminate cravings
• Avoid toxic relationships or situations
• Ask Archangel Michael to clear your body or home of any lower energies
• Use gentle, Earth-friendly cleaning supplies.

Monday 30 January 2012

Week Thirty Two


"Look into your heart and you will know the truth of this situation. It's safe to admit the truth to yourself, for we will support and guide you through any necessary changes. Lean upon us for courage and the strength to take good care of yourself. Focus only upon your true desires; and they 'II come to you upon angels' wings."

You received this card as a gentle confrontation because the angels know you've been hiding from your true feelings. You've probably been afraid that if you admitted how you honestly felt, you'd be overwhelmed with feelings and faced with making some necessary changes that you feel unprepared for. Yet, the angels assure you that it's healthiest to face this situation with honesty. They will help you with your emotions, relationships, and any support you need to make positive changes. However, the angels remind you to focus only upon your desires and not upon your fears so that you can attract the former and not the latter.
Additional meanings for this card: The situation will improve when you face it squarely
• You deserve better
• Trust your own feelings even if others don't agree
• Don't give away your power to others
• Avoid getting caught up in the illusion that "this is the way it is."

Thursday 26 January 2012

Valentines Day February 14th

February 14th, has become the date for exchanging love message and a celebration of St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers. The date is marked by sending poams and simple gift, such as flowers and chocolates to loved ones and secret loves.


Hundreds of years ago in England, many children dressed up as adults on Valentine's Day. They went singing from home to home. One verse they sang was:

Good morning to you, valentine;
Curl your locks as I do mine ---
Two before and three behind.
Good morning to you, valentine.

  • In Wales wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14th. Hearts, keys and keyholes were favourite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant, "You unlock my heart!"
  • In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.
  • In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means she will marry him.
  • Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine's Day, it meant she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire.
  • A love seat is a wide chair. It was first made to seat one woman and her wide dress. Later, the love seat or courting seat had two sections, often in an S-shape. In this way, a couple could sit together -- but not too closely!
  • Think of five or six names of boys or girls you might marry, As you twist the stem of an apple, recite the names until the stem comes off. You will marry the person whose name you were saying when the stem fell off.
  • Pick a dandelion that has gone to seed. Take a deep breath and blow the seeds into the wind. Count the seeds that remain on the stem. That is the number of children you will have.
  • If you cut an apple in half and count how many seeds are inside, you will also know how many children you will have.


There are so many gift ideas on the market to give your loved one that you can be spoilt for choice. I launched a new treatment a few weeks ago, Chocolate Indulgence Pedicure, which combines a wonderful mixture of chocolate aromas, a real chocoholic feast. Not only does the treatment involve a wonderful relaxing luxurious pedicure, you also get to indulge in a yummy hot chocolate and brownie whilst enjoying being pampered.

This sumptuous pedicure begins with a warm milk soak, cuticle work, file and reshape, plus hard skin removal. Followed by an invigorating Peppermint & Chocolate Sugar Scrub, which will norish your skin as pure cane sugar sloughs away dead cells to reveal your softer, more radiant skin.

This is then followed by a warm and blissfull Chocolate & Cocoa Butter Mask, for super hydration, which is painted on whilst you relax and feel your worries slip away while absorbing the heavenley "feel good" aromas.

Finally legs and feet are massaged with an irresisitable Chocolate Souffle, to sooth and relax your muscle tensions and moisturise dry skin, finishing with a polish of your choice.

All served up with a cup of creamy Hot Cocoa and a yummy Chocolate Brownie...mmm!

(Please bring sandals to wear home or allow 1 extra hour for drying time)

Approx 1 1/2 hours

Monday 23 January 2012

Week Thirty One


"Your body needs refreshment from oxygenated air generated by grass, trees, plants, and flowers. Spend time outside today, as near to Mother Nature's cradle as possible. Open your curtains and windows to refresh your home as well."

The angels sent this card to you because you need some fresh air. You've been indoors far too long, and your body and soul crave oxygen. Open the windows in your home and office to air them out, then go outside yourself and breathe deeply. If you live in the city, make an escape to the country as soon as possible to breathe some much-needed fresh air. Keep plenty of live plants in your home and office to ensure the steady circulation of oxygen.
Additional meanings for this card: Exercise outdoors
• Get some sunshine, or travel to a sunny environment
• Spend time around trees or plants
• Reconnect with nature
• Bring some "fresh air" into a stale situation or relationship.

Monday 16 January 2012

Week Thirty


"Your soul desires only to joyfully serve, and to swim in a constant stream of bliss. This stream continuously feeds you everything you need. Put your entire focus upon staying in this stream of giving and receiving in every situation, and in all that you do."

This card comes to you because you've been worried about your life's mission. Perhaps you've felt insecure about whether you'll make enough money, be successful, or be well received by others. Instead of concerns about what you'll receive or other people's reactions, focus solely upon how you can serve. Use your natural talents, passions, and interests to help others or some vital cause. Then, through the Law of Attraction, you'll receive all of the support you'll need.
Additional meanings for this card: Release money worries to God and the angels
• Be receptive to inner Divine guidance and follow it without hesitation
• If you get nervous, focus on service.

Monday 9 January 2012

Week Twenty Nine


"Your soul longs to express itself in creative ways. We 're guiding you to infuse artistry and creativity into your life. Creative expression makes you feel alive and excited, and reignites passion toward your life."

This card says that you need more avenues for creative expression. The angels are guiding you to look for such outlets at work and at home. For example, write, play music, make crafts, paint, sew or redecorate. It doesn't matter whether your artistry is market-ready. What's important is that you allow your inner artist to enjoy freedom of expression.
Additional meanings for this card: Work on a meaningful project that you've been procrastinating about
• Enroll in a creative class such as photography or dance
• Your life purpose and a meaningful career will come to you through creative ways that are unimaginable right now, so don't worry about how or what your life purpose is. Just follow the path before you

Monday 2 January 2012

Week Twenty Eight


"The entire universe operates in cycles similar to your inhalations and exhalations. When you only exhale (give) or only inhale (receive), you become out of rhythm with the universe. For optimal health, energy, and replenishment, balance each inhalation in your life with an exhalation."

The angels sent this card to you because your giving-and-receiving ratio has been out of balance lately. If you've been giving much more than receiving, you've likely been feeling that others are taking advantage of your kindness. If your imbalance is in receiving more than giving, you may have felt uneasy, depressed, or even guilty. While it's impossible to perfectly balance giving and receiving each day, you can strike a healthy balance. To do so, make sure to give something (like time, money, a gift, or compliments) on a daily basis without expecting anything in return. On the same day, be a gracious receiver to unexpected offers of help, compliments, or other gifts. Say "Thank you" without embarrassment or guilt. In relationships where you're the primary giver, express your needs and ask for help.
Additional meanings for this card: In your relationships, make sure you both give and receive
• The situation you're asking about requires balanced male and female energies
• To receive, first you must give
• Tithe whatever it is you need more of (time, money, items, and so on)
• Affirm: "I now receive good graciously into my life."