Monday, 27 February 2012

Week Thirty Six


"Look past the seeming errors, mistakes, and misunderstandings, and see only the love within each person (including yourself). Your resolute focus upon the love that underlies every situation brings about healing in undreamed-of ways."

The angels gave you this card as a reminder to see yourself, others, and every situation through their eyes. When you focus on love, anything that's unloving falls away. It's like turning a light to diminish the previous darkness. Call upon angels whenever you need help to elevate your vision to a more loving vantage point.
Additional meanings for this card: Look past the personalities and egos of others, and see the angel within them (the angels can help you with this if it seems difficult)
* Forgive
* Release anger, hurt, or judgments to the angels
* Affirm what you desire, instead of what you fear."

Monday, 20 February 2012

Week Thirty Five


"Love is the heart of the matter. Your heart is the center within your physical being attuned most to love. It's safe for you to love and be loved with an open heart, as we stand by with perfect protection and guidance."

The angels gave you this card because the answer to your question rests within your heart. The more that you open your heart, the more love, joy, and peace you'll feel. You can open your heart chakra by asking the angels to send their healing energy, by visualizing your heart surrounded by pink light, by inhaling the fragrance of pink roses, by holding or wearing rose quartz crystal, and by focusing on love.
Additional meanings for this card: Send light and love to your heart chakra
• Take very good care of your cardiovascular health through exercise and healthy eating
• A departed loved one who passed-on from a heart condition is saying "Hello, I love you."
• Have a heart-to-heart discussion.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Week Thirty Four


"Beloved One, everyone is guiltless in truth, as no one can alter God's handiwork of prefection. Give us your feelings of heaviness so we can lighten your load. Give us any guilt, anger, or blame that may shroud your loving oputlook. Enjoy the peace within your heart once more."

This card comes as reassurance that this situation and the people involved are guiltless. If you've been harboring guilt, release it to the angels. Of all the emotions, guilt has the lowest vibrations, so it attracts negativity. If you're judging others' guilt, this card reminds you to see the Godliness within them to heal the situation (you don't necessarily have to continue a relationship with anyone you distrust; however, it's necessary to purge toxic thoughts and emotions for your own well-being). The angels ask you to consider that any misunderstandings were an innocent mistake.
Additional meanings for this card: See the other's point of view
• Forgive yourself and release regrets
• An argument you have may be based on a misunderstanding
• Honor the inner child within yourself and others
• Look past surface illusions, and see the underlying spiritual truth of perfection and Divine order.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Week Thirty Three


"With great love and respect, we ask you to detoxify your precious and sensitive body. At your request, we'll help you to develop life-affirming ways to deal with stress, as well as ease any sorrow at shedding your old ways. Give your cares, worries, and concerns to us, and feel the beautiful grace of your newly purified body."

This card signifies the angels' recommendation that you eliminate chemicals and toxins from your body. Your sensitivity to drugs, food additives (including sugar), alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine has increased. These substances are interfering with your ability to hear your angels, so they ask you to avoid them. The angels will gladly help you with stress or cravings, if you will ask.
Additional meanings for this card: Use herbal means to cleanse, such as wheat grass juice or psyllium seeds
• Consult a holistic nutritionist
• Call upon Archangel Raphael to reduce or eliminate cravings
• Avoid toxic relationships or situations
• Ask Archangel Michael to clear your body or home of any lower energies
• Use gentle, Earth-friendly cleaning supplies.