Monday, 28 November 2011

Week Twenty Three


"Yes, the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent. We drop feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and never alone."

The angels gave you this card to help you understand the signs you've been receiving lately. These signs may include feathers, coins, butterflies, birds, or other repetitive visions that make you think of the angels, who have deliberately sent you these signs to let you know that they're nearby—protecting, loving, and guiding you.
Additional meanings for this card: Your departed loved ones in heaven are saying, "Hello! I love you!"
• Notice and believe in the repetitive signs you receive as validation that you're on the right path
• Have faith
• Follow the signs that are guiding you to your heart's desire.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Week Twenty Two


"This situation is rooted in an emotional experience with a family member, which we can help you to understand and heal. In your mind and heart, surround this person, yourself, and the experience with calming blue light and many angels. Be open to the gifts within the situation, and allow yourself to feel peace."

This card means that the question you asked about is related to a family issue. It could be that some healing work is needed concerning one particular family member (it's the first person who comes to mind while reading this). Or this card might signal a need for more family togetherness, such as spending an evening or a holiday together. Your angels will guide you through this passage.
Additional meanings for this card: A new addition to your family is entering
• You have friends who are like a second family to you
• It's time to face old feelings so they can be released and cleared
• Release an unwanted pattern by forgiving one or more family members (including yourself).

Monday, 14 November 2011

Facebook Business Page Top 10 Tips

Facebook Business Page Top 10 Tips

Week Twenty One


"When you detach from awareness of your body and the physical world, you become ungrounded. Although it's pleasant to float heavenward, your attention and work are needed upon the earth. We 're helping you balance the spiritual and material so that you can enjoy a fulfilling Earthly life."

This card is a signal that your energy and attention need to be grounded. If you've been feeling spacey, confused, or forgetful, this card speaks to the reason. "Ungroundedness" means that your attention is directed up too high—as if you're not in your body. A balance is needed between a focus on spirit and a focus on Earth. You can ground yourself by walking barefoot on grass or soil, by eating foods from the ground like potatoes or carrots, by rubbing your bare feet, by touching a tree or plant, or by visualizing roots coming from the bottom of your feet into the earth. Grounding will help you to better concentrate and focus, and will also increase your connections to the angels.
Additional meanings for this card: Spend time gardening
• Work with flower essences
• Adjust your diet and other lifestyle habits so that they support your mental and physical awareness
• Make sure the words you speak or write are practical, grounded, and understandable
• Be down-to-earth and authentic in your relationships
• Send love and light to Mother Earth.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Week Twenty


"Now is the perfect moment for you to act on your inspirations. The doors are open, while you walk through them with us by your side. Don't delay or procrastinate, as all of the ingredients are ripe for your success. Everything and everyone is on your side, supporting your positive outcome."

This card means that you need to take certain steps before your prayer can be fully answered. The angels say that now is the perfect time to act. They will guide you along the way. Sometimes it's not so important how we approach a situation, but that we put energy, action, and intention into manifesting what we desire. Once we take the first step in the direction of our desired outcome, the universe then gives us additional help.
Additional meanings for this card: Take action now
• The situation will work out well provided that you don't delay
• Make a decision
• Any blocks in the past were because the timing wasn't yet right.