Monday, 24 October 2011

Week Eighteen


"Ask us to help you in this situation, and we will immediately go to work on your behalf. We're governed by many universal laws, and among them is the free will that allows you to make your own choices and decisions. So we patiently await your request."

This card serves as a reminder to ask your angels for help more often. The angels can help with any, and all areas of your life, including bringing you ideas, courage, faith, confidence, and clarity. They can also help with all material needs, such as money, time, health, and vitality. Additional meanings for this card: Ask for help whenever you need instead of complaining, ask for help.
Ask the people in your life to help you.
Hire others to assist you.
Request help from your angels for everything, no matter how small or large.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Week Seventeen


"This situation can be healed gently and with love, as you've requested, yet there's also a need for your strength and truthfulness with the other people involved. We will stand right behind you as you speak your truth, giving you strength and guiding your words."

You drew this card because you were asking about a situation where you felt victimized. The angels are saying that the situation can only be rectified if you clearly communicate your needs and expectations to others. It's possible to be both angelic and assertive if you call upon the angels for courage and guidance whenever you intend to speak your truth. With practice, loving assertive-ness becomes easier.
Additional meanings for this card: Face the situation directly
• Read a book or take a class on assertiveness training
• Replace aggressive or passive-aggressive behavior with assertiveness
• Handle conflict with honesty and love
• Tell the truth to yourself and others
• This situation is an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth

Monday, 10 October 2011

Week Sixteen


"You've been giving a lot of yourself lately, and it's time for you to receive. Make the time to reward yourself in a meaningful way. This balance of giving and receiving is essential to keeping your energy, mood, and motivation at a consistently high level."

You drew this card because it's time to reward yourself for all of your hard work. Everyone needs rewards, and you're no exception. A treat will boost your energy, mood, and motivation. Invest in yourself and make time for self-care today. Give yourself a much-desired item, trip, or service, and notice how your inner child blooms with joy from this loving attention.
Additional meanings for this card: Take the day off from work today
• Splurge on a treat for yourself
• Balance giving with receiving
• Make sure that you're allowing yourself to receive
• Appreciate all that you've done.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Week Fifteen


"Beloved One, it's time to set aside work for a while. Don't worry; we will oversee your responsibilities to their completion. Playfulness, gaiety, and laughter will lift your energy so that you'll return to work with a renewed perspective and heightened energy."

The angels see that you need to play, so they sent you this card. You've been working and worrying a lot lately, and your soul cries out for fun. Feelings of fatigue, irritability, or depression are additional signs that you're overdue for some playtime. You don't need to wait until you have a free moment, because you can inject fun into your day today. Simple pleasures, moments of silliness, laughing with a friend, or watching a funny movie are examples of ways to have fun that don't require a lot of time or money. Fun and play are necessary parts of life for children and adults. These types of activities help us live healthier lives, and allow us to attain our desires more quickly. Fun is part of living a balanced life.
Additional meanings for this card: Stop what you're doing and go have fun right now
• Release any guilt about having fun to the angels
• You deserve happiness, pleasure, and enjoyment
• Make sure that your recreational activities are purely fun and noncompetitive.