Monday, 27 June 2011

Week One


"See yourself and others through the eyes of the angels, with unconditional love and acceptance. In this way, you inspire and lift everyone to their highest potential.”

You received this card to help your relationship with yourself and others. The next time you're tempted to judge yourself or someone else harshly, pray for their health and happiness instead. This more positive route builds self-esteem and harmony, and heals relationships.
Additional meanings for this card: Notice how much better you feel when you think positively about yourself and others
• Don't try to control or change others
• Let go of tendencies to force things to happen and you'll receive your desired (or better) outcome more peacefully
• When one door closes, another one opens.

Angel Oracle Cards

Angel oracle cards are great for inspiration and guidance; they can be a useful tool to add clarity to your situation. They are a connection with your angels and spirit guides. They work by allowing messages to flow through the cards. Angel oracle cards are much easier to use than tarot cards and many feel better about using them over traditional tarot decks.

Once a week I thought I would draw a card and post it up on here, giving you a description about the card that was selected, it would be great to hear with comments on whether that particular card had a connection with your current situation in life.
 from you

I am a huge fan of Dr. Doreen Virtue, she has created some beautiful and very user friendly angel oracle card decks to offer guidance along our spiritual path. The Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards is a beautiful deck filled with 365 channelled meditations, each card offers comforting and uplifting messages, to set a positive and healing tone for the day.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Carers Week

A month ago I was approached by Katie Corner if I would be interested in attending an event, a pamper day for carers. Initially I swayed, as at the time of this request I had just badly broken my arm, and was unsure as to whether I would be fit enough to offer treatments, but with a little calculation and some thought I decided it might be what I need to return to work gently, and what better way than using Reiki.

The event was on behalf of the Royal Princess Trust and organised for careers week, this was to be held at Leigh Park Community Centre on Wednesday 15th June 2011.

I arrived just after 9am and was shown the room that we would all be working in, many of the therapists were already there and in the process of setting up, but after quick introductions we all got on with our day ahead, there was so much positive energy flowing. The centre was buzzing and it was clear that many carers had jumped at the chance for some therapy for themselves, instead of offering 24 hour care to ill loved ones. One by one we called our clients into the room, to offer them our services. I was offering a 20 minute taster session of Reiki.

As I asked each client to lay down on my couch my first question was to ask if they had received reiki before, many of whom hadn’t or had no idea what it was, I explained that was working with the energy fields that were within their body and was going to try and balance them out a little.

During the day the Mayor and Mayoress of Havant were circulating around the carers and the therapists, showing a great deal of interest of today’s event.

Reiki treatment throughout the day affected every individual differently, some were close to tears, as they had allowed themselves to pause long enough to think and breathe a little, and other’s felt a sense of peace. There were two very memorable clients, a spritely lady who had just had her feet massaged, marched over to my bed and said to me boldly “I never relax, never stop”, I just smiled and asked her to lay down on my couch, after 20 minutes I had finished and tapped her gently on the shoulder, she had so totally relaxed she was beginning to drift off to sleep, she opened her eyes, and they smiled at me as did her face, “My child you are wonderful, I have never felt like that, it was amazing!” “You have performed a miracle” she explained. She had experienced only a small taster of what Reiki can do and it was visually clear what benefit she had had from it. I escorted her from the room and gave her my price list and wished her a pleasant day.

My other memorable client was a wonderful gentleman, and the presence of a gentle giant, he entered the treatment room a little cautiously as he had never received any type of pampering of any kind before, so had no idea what to expect. He was asked to lay down on my couch and I explained yet again what it was I did briefly, his words “You think you will find some energy in this Yorkshire man?” At the end of his session, I had to wake him up, he had relaxed so much.....and couldn’t express how much I had converted him, after saying that he was a complete sceptic.

Having spoken with the other girls during our lunch break it was very apparent to all of us how so many of the carers felt as though they were not worthy of any form of pampering, that they felt guilty for allowing time for themselves and they way that they all expressed sincere gratitude to all of us for offering our services today. I don’t think there was one of us that left after our day was done not feeling a little humble and over whelmed by the day.
I know I for one am now looking at avenues I can offer Reiki on a volunteer basis for those that need it.