Monday, 8 November 2010

Spirit Messengers

When messengers show up, they point to a ‘moment’ … they come at a specific time to get our attention
The Robin Redbreast
The robin redbreast is a bird of Spring, a time of new growth and new beginnings. It flies into our lives on the winds of change asking us to weed our personal gardens and plant new seeds for our future. Rebirth and renewal require changes in all areas of life that have become stagnant and outdated. The robin redbreast teaches us to how to make these changes with joy in our hearts. Its song is a happy one reminding us to let go of our personal drama and learn to laugh with life. If this medicine is underdeveloped those with this totem are continually challenged by the prospects of change. Difficulties arise and emotional discord can surface. Learning how to release our attachments to the old is one of the life lessons the redbreast helps us master.
This bird packs a powerful punch. It holds strong significance in ancient myth and lore. One legend had its origins in European mythology, in which the bird of Spring was associated with the New Year and represented divine sacrifice and the rebirth of the spirit.

In Medieval Europe the robin redbreast was often depicted attending the Christ child, an emblem of the Passion to come. It was told how, at that fateful hour, it was the tiny robin who flew to Jesus' Crown of Thorns, striving valiantly to pluck the spines away with his beak. Unfortunately the bird succeeded only in tearing his own breast on the thorns. Ever since then it was thought that all robins wore red feathers on their bosoms as a badge of honor. The robin redbreast is a bird of divine service. Those with this totem often have past life ties to the Christ energy. They make excellent priests and missionaries.
The red coloring of the robins chest is linked to the kundalini in man. This life force lives coiled up within the base of the spine. When sufficient spiritual growth has been attained it uncoils, rising up the spine to create heightened awareness. This process enhances psychic vision which leads us into enlightenment. Those with this medicine are dedicated spiritual seekers. Growth can be slow and arduous. With patience, compassion and proper focus spiritual ideals are achieved.
Robins lay powder blue eggs. This is the color associated with the throat chakra in man. It is also linked to heavenly inspiration. Because the throat chakra's main function is to express the will of God and the egg is symbolic of new life, this helpful little totem teaches us how to assert the creative will of God in all we do. It leads us into new beginnings without fear by restoring faith within our hearts.

*Extracted from several sources on the net

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Massage and Stress Relief

What is Stress?

"It just seems to be one crisis after another in my life, I've got a constant headache and stomach problems. I keep expecting something else to go wrong, not sure how much of this I can take!" - Sound familiar?

Stress has been shown to aggravate, or even cause, such problems as heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, memory loss and decreased immune function. But it doesn’t just contribute to physical ailments. Stress can sap joy from your life, cause seemingly inexplicable fatigue, and leave you less able to enjoy your relationships and leisure activities.

Loved ones can become unfortunate victims of stress in your life. You will find yourself less patient and less able to mentally engage with the people you care about.

Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms

Cognitive Symptoms
• Memory problems
• Inability to concentrate
• Poor judgment
• Seeing only the negative
• Anxious or racing thoughts
• Constant worrying

Emotional Symptoms
• Moodiness
• Irritability or short temper
• Agitation, inability to relax
• Feeling overwhelmed
• Sense of loneliness and isolation
• Depression or general unhappiness

Physical Symptoms
• Aches and pains
• Diarrhoea or constipation
• Nausea, dizziness
• Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
• Loss of sex drive
• Frequent colds

Behavioural Symptoms
• Eating more or less
• Sleeping too much or too little
• Isolating yourself from others
• Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
• Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
• Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)

Benefits of Massage

Massage boosts the body’s immune system, which can become compromised from extended periods of stress. Tension can build up in the muscles, causing a decrease in circulation and nutrient delivery to tissues.

Manipulation of the soft tissue decreases muscular tension, increases removal of metabolic waste and promotes nutrient delivery to healing tissue. Knots in your muscles can inhibit your ability to perform regular, daily tasks. As other parts of your body try to compensate for the ache of a tight muscle, they also start to become tight and uncomfortable. Before long, an injury that began in your neck can trace to your shoulder, down your arm and into your wrist. The reaction chain can take innumerable forms, but none of them are pleasant.

Physical Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

Helps relieve stress and aids relaxation
Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness
Reduces muscle spasms
Promotes deeper and easier breathing
Improves circulation of blood and movement of lymph fluids
Reduces blood pressure
Helps relieve tension-related headaches and effects of eye-strain
Enhances the health and nourishment of skin
Improves posture
Strengthens the immune system

Mental Benefits of Massage Therapy
Fosters peace of mind and feeling of well being
Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness
Helps relieve mental stress
Improves ability to monitor stress signals and respond appropriately
Enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity
Emotional Benefits
Reduces levels of anxiety

Want to check your stress levels?
Click this link for a questionaire to see how you fair?
or this link

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


A very hectic month for many of us, especially with the children being off for 6 weeks! A mixture of weather, although the end of this month it seems like all it has done is rain!
I managed to grab a break away in the sun, Turkey, first visit and am set to return, what an amazing place. Now am preparing for the new Hockey season, my other passion in life.

I have an offer on for the whole of September.

BACK TO SCHOOL OFFER -Available from the 1st September 2010...Neck, back and shoulder massage £10, Basic Manicure £10, Basic Pedicure £15. Come have some pampering and "me time" after dealing with the kids over the six weeks :)

Check the facebook pages, or the website out too.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Stronger than you know

“We are almost always stronger and more capable than we believe ourselves to be”

A great quote, when we are faced with difficult decisions that are presented to us, affirmations and quotes can be quite inspirational and will guide us to positivity.
Some of my favourites are:

“I believe that obstacles are put in your way, so that you can examine the true magnitude of the strength you posses”

“How we treat others is really a reflection of how we think about ourselves”

“Angels sometimes block our path because we are heading in the wrong direction”

“Beautiful pictures are developed from negatives in a dark room...So if you see darkness in your life be reassured that a beautiful picture is being prepared”

“See where your own energy wants to go, not where you think it should go. Do something because it feels right, not because it makes sense. Follow the spiritual impulse”

Which leads me to, that you are in charge of your feelings, beliefs, and actions and you teach others how to behave toward you. While you cannot change other people, you can influence them through your own behaviors and action. By being a living role model of what you want to receive from others, you create more of what you want in your life. The holistic approach.

Since my last blog I am now qualified in Pregnancy massage, had a wonderful day in Brighton, and am keen to get started.
During pregnancy our bodies go through major changes, such as structural, physiological, psychological, spiritual and social changes. Some of these changes may produce discomforts and emotional problems. Massage can ease these discomforts and give you a warm and wellbeing feeling, helping the mother to be to adjust to these changes.

The benefits include:
• Reduce physical discomforts, e.g. muscle spasm, cramp, tired legs, tension, back ache, etc.
• Reduce oedema and swelling by increasing circulation and removing metabolic waste products
• Helps emotional problems, e.g. anxiety, depression, fear, restless, insomnia
• Reduce stress and promote relaxation
• Ease digestive problems
• Beneficial in labour and post-natal care

I will also be attending The Gosport and Fareham Multiple Sclerosis Society who are holding a pamper day on Saturday 3rd July 2010 from 11am to 5pm. It will be at The Crofton Community Centre, Stubbington, Fareham, where I will be offering 10-15 minute manicure taster sessions for £5, if you want to come and see me.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Wonderful News

Despite being extremely busy catching up with my week, I thought I would find a few minutes to update you all.

I completed a wonderful course yesterday, covering Manicure and Pedicures, Sandra, our tutor made the day fun and informative. The other students were great too.

Needless to say, I can't wait to get started! So off I trotted to the local supplier this morning, and stocked up on some wonderful products and nail polishes. Could of quite easily spent a fortune, but am on a tight budget, so brought what I needed, and made a note on my wish list for all the other products I would like to sample.

I have a list of jobs to do today as long as my arm, which I am steadily working my way through but am looking forward to a quite weekend relaxing.Let's hope we have some sunshine to go with that too!

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Is Spring Officially Here?

We have been blessed with some warmer weather of late, all that wind still has a chill factor to it! That volcanic cloud is still causing us some bother, and causing disruption for many travellers, how stressful for those involved.

I have spent the last four years retraining with holistic therapies, juggling my study schedule around two very active kids. They both play ice hockey, and somehow, along the way, I got roped into being a team manager too! The hockey season runs from September through to the end of April, although they train all year round.

Now the season has come to an end, I thought I might of found myself to have a bit more free time, but no, I have several courses lined up in May. A manicure and pedicure course at the beginning of May, and a trip to Brighton at the end of May for a course, specialising in pregnancy massage. Both treatments I hope to add to my already growing business.

I am constantly updating my website, so please take time to have a look.

Working for myself has been a life long ambition, and I wanted to do something that I would enjoy and also enabled me to expand with as well. I have always been interested in complementary therapies, so this path seemed the natural choice.

Getting the business up and running has been a long, slow process, lots of market research was required, along with laying out a business plan, financial forecasts, book-keeping spreadsheets, insurances and governing bodies and not to mention all the legal requirements for the dreaded taxman! Yet it's not fazed me yet! I have some great support from many friends that keep encouraging me with it all.

"Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration , motivation and a pinch of creativity"

The Beginning

Hello, and welcome to my blog. I am so totally new to all this, probably a bit his and miss until I find a way around all this, and get the hang of it.

I hope to update you monthly with the latest news within the complentary medicine industry, courses I am taking, and any other news that I feel you maybe interested in.

If you stop by and take a read, please leave a comment, would be great to get some feedback.